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Looking after ourselves

Re: Retraining our brains..


I'm so sorry for missing your previous post as there were quite a few to respond to.


Like you, I'd get excited and energised about an idea for a home business which in theory, would take me away from external employment and give me a sense of self empowerment. Unfortunately the arse would fall out of it after a while leaving me feeling 'meh; nah'. I also studied, sometimes not knowing why I chose subjects like Marketing for instance; I'm glad I did 'now' though. Woman Happy


I offered to buy my son a quality lawn mower and grass cutter etc to start up his own lawn business, but he was reluctant to be self employed being so young. Around these parts he'd make a killing as it's near impossible to get someone without a week's notice at least. He plods along with his career, but can't find permanent status; it's all casual and on-call in his field. At 28, stability and financial security are vital to plan a family and so on. The govt needs their heads red for promoting these low cost (to the employer) contracts because committed young people deserve a fair go.


I'm not sure what your idea is Tab; something you'd really like to do and are good at I hope. That motivates more than anything I've found. Do you have the mindset and coping abilities to make it work?


Re: Retraining our brains..

Well you can believe me @Adge when I say you motivated me ok. Smiley Happy


Inspiration occurs all the time on these forums. People can be themselves due to incognito usernames. It might encourage expressions of pain and suffering, but it also brings out qualities like wisdom, self awareness and even brilliance.


People can be reluctant to admit they have greatness in them, or are completely ignorant of it. I was put down if I showed signs of intelligence growing up. I was told I would forever be average and not to attempt to climb above my station. I would never have known what my IQ actually is without pushing myself to attend Uni to advance my career. There I realised I had a gift for complex concepts in science and psychology. Before that? I thought I was dumb.


Why is it, you'd take my negative comments about you (like that would ever happen!) in a heartbeat, but reluctant to trust my opinion with positive views?

Food for thought?

xo Heart

Re: Retraining our brains..

Well @LadyleahRDBloom aka Lady Bloom, you certainly showed off your talent for writing and presenting a case. Massive kudos woman! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you a bit better.


I also respect, admire and appreciate your ability to say it like it is and rebuff my opinions if necessary. The style you used was a delight. Seeing direct quotes, then responses? Really nice; thankyou...


 I look forward to your thread on empathy issues. (And having my aura read) I like meaty topics to get my teeth into. Bit of protein never goes astray hey? Ha ha 😜


Till next time, take care;

Hope xo Heart

Re: Retraining our brains..

Yes @Sahara, neuropsychology is so interesting for me too. Our brains are amazing organs; still perplexing science even in this day and age, they've finally realised psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience aren't separate, but integral for healing and research.


The eight points you mention are so on point. (And thankyou for recognising my commitment to healing. It's nice to be acknowledged for this) The only thing I might add to your list would be the effect diet practices and food have on brain chemistry which can affect depression and anxiety directly.


At present I'm researching (yet again 🤔) adrenaline, cortisol and insulin addressing the physical side of internal emotional triggers. (Not external threats as such) I've found the Mayo Clinic in the states is the best place to start as their website offers explanations in 'layman's terms' and is better written and informative than other sites I've visited.


I'd like to write more but I'm really not up to contributing a lot today; dealing with an old demon trigger; my core issue.


As Arnie says; 'I'll be bark' 😉

Hope xo Heart

Re: Retraining our brains..

I was talking about old ideas @Hope4me I hadn’t thought about it in last couple years Im just trying to survive atm

Re: Retraining our brains..

Yes definitely food for thought @Hope4me It should be positive beliefs that we (or I) take on board...


Re: Retraining our brains..

Yes, @Hope4me,


a healthy diet is essential for recovery. I think a lot of people do not have a balanced diet and they don't even realise it! When I got serious about improving my diet, I felt a lot better within days.


one resource I would recommend to people is the scientifically proven CSIRO total well-being diet. Most public libraries have a copy of the book, or else they can get it in for you. But I think their website also has a lot of free information - I haven't looked for a while. 


Thanks for the tip-off re: the Mayo Clinic website. I must take a look at that. 


I hope you you are doing Ok. It is fine to take a break from the forums at any time. You don't need to supply us with a reason, just put yourself first and so it with pride. Xxx

Re: Retraining our brains..

Well @LadyleahRDBloom aka Lady Bloom, you certainly showed off your talent for writing and presenting a case. Massive kudos woman!


Awww! Thanks! I would have written back sooner but I'm under the weather and am working on my latest Disney's ill treatment of women blog. Ursula is my go to gurrrlll btw. Love me a powerful woman. I'll have to see if I can copy and paste some of my blogs here one day. 


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you a bit better.


You are so lovely. I loved reading your thoughts. It's great to have a conversation with someone be it via typing. who can really make you think. 


I also respect, admire and appreciate your ability to say it like it is and rebuff my opinions if necessary. The style you used was a delight. Seeing direct quotes, then responses? Really nice; thankyou...


Thanks again, the same to you. I always try to be polite when I disagree. I do seem to be a bit .... Posh. But I prefer to just lay it out maturely. I love being an adult, lol. I get a lot of flac just by admitting I am a Witch, bi and having mental illness. So when you are in a position where you want to agree and disagree and dive right in and have a bit of a jolly good convo, I find it best not to stamp one's foot and just be ... "Grey" say. "I don't know" be flexible. Not naive, just aware but true to yourself. A lot of people who are drawn into dangerous situations are not aware of themselves. When we're unaware we can be misled by the aware. One of the reasons why I find Disney films so frustrating. If you hear distant yelling, that's me trying to wrap my head around the whole true love thing and how loving people out of obligation is ok ..... 


 I look forward to your thread on empathy issues. (And having my aura read)


Thank you for giving me permission :() I'll start a thread right now 🙂 Empathy is heavy but I'll start as soon as I'vr made my coffee. Cannot function without my coffee and my dose of american politics 🙂 


I like meaty topics to get my teeth into. Bit of protein never goes astray hey? Ha ha 😜


I love a blue steak 🙂 Yummy! Plus I was born in the year of the dog 😄


Till next time, take care;

The same to you. Love lots and stress less! 

Hope xo Heart

Re: Retraining our brains..

Hi @Hope4me

It's interesting that you mentioned the Mayo clinic.

I've come across their Descriptions & diagnostic stuff, many times.

Yes, I found it simple & easier to read (than many other articles).


Re: Retraining our brains..

Good morning @Adge@Sahara@LadyleahRDBloom@TAB@greenpea;


I've really enjoyed our discussions; thankyou all for engaging. I'm not really up to heavier topics as the heat and a trigger response took a bit of a toll yesterday. I'm heaps better, though drained this morning so I'll rest today; it's always important after dealing with those scary episodes.


Hope you all have a cracking day!

Hope xo Heart

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