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Re: Night Shift

well, if you are thinking of it, is it an option @eudemonism  ?

like the golfball printer type font lol

Re: Night Shift

Yea @TAB  am just tired of being on constant alert, because of mental stuff. I think it's part to do with how the medication I'm on works... and part analysis paralysis ... and part survival instinct... and part merry go round effect ... i see my dog resting and think-wow! I wish i could do that... you know-be at peace... Eude...

Re: Night Shift

wonder if dog knew it was being analysed @eudemonism  .. umm perhaps talk to someone re respite?

Re: Night Shift

@eudemonism Good morning. Hope you are okay. May be respite a good idea. To have some support and care.

Re: Night Shift

Hey Eude

Are you in contact with any help team or specialists?

Either way, respite can help for sure.

Re: Night Shift

@MDT -the specialists are on a different page as myself... And the medication they're administering to myself, contribute to /are the cause of, the problems I'm presenting to them ...( so it doesn't solve anything ) -it just causes me more stress ...




Quote - they don't wanna save me; they just want to, enslave me ...

Re: Night Shift


Re: Night Shift

Hoot echo

Re: Night Shift



trying to get off the couch

Re: Night Shift

wish I could sleep for more than 2hrs at time lately lol @plasmo