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Something’s not right

Re: New here and struggling

No I don't. I think I just need my anti depressant increased it was working well but I'm on the lowest dose

Re: New here and struggling



I know.  I appreciate it

Re: New here and struggling

im sorry your gp isn't listening @Lee71 that's really frustrating
maybe speak with another gp or ask to see a psychiatrist.

Re: New here and struggling

I'm wondering if anyone is around this time of the night,  I'm having issues sleeping even with my medication

Re: New here and struggling

Hi @Lee71 , I'm sorry, I'm not around in the nights... Was your night bearable? How are you feeling this morning?

Re: New here and struggling

hey @Lee71
did you manage to get some sleep?

My notifications are still scattered and wasn't notified you had posted here last night otherwise I would've popped in.

Re: New here and struggling



Don't be sorry. I'm fine.

Re: New here and struggling



It's ok . I probably should have made a new post. But it's fine. I had broken sleep

Re: New here and struggling

@Lee71 wrote:



Don't be sorry. I'm fine.

<speaking gently and respectfully> Somehow I don't think you are quite "fine" @Lee71 ...but it's totally OK if you don't want to discuss things. Wishing you peace. 



Re: New here and struggling



I'm sorry, you're right I'm not even close to being ok.  I just don't know what to do. 

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