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Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

hello @Adge 

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hi @Shaz51 Thanks for your hello.

How are you?

I tried to Reply to you, as soon as you Tagged me.

Yet How ironic - My phone was not working, no internet connection etc etc.

Life is a bit rough - I'm having exacerbation of health conditions illnesses.

Since Burning out in January this year & having to Resign from my Council Gardening Job.

I'm now doing Gardening short 1 or 2 hour Shifts - For people on Aged Care Funding Packages.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

heyy @Adge , how is your new job going my friend 

Life is a bit rough - I'm having exacerbation of health conditions illnesses.---- sending you lots of hugs as my specialist has put me on the DSP because of mine , suppose to get worse in the future 

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hey @Shaz51 I'm sorry you had to go on DSP.

At least it gives you some secure income.

I was told years ago that due to my health conditions - I'm more eligible for DSP than many people who were receiving it.

Yet due to the nightmarish Application Process & much narrower/ tighter eligibility criteria - I've never Applied for DSP.

I'm not yet recovered from Burning out in January this year.

Then started this new job too soon, without a recovery break.

Otherwise hopefully it will work out okay.

I'm Casual (all employees are casual) with no minimum weekly working hours - Very low hours just 8 hours per week so far.

Last week they gave me No hours, no work at all.

I hope you are okay so far dealing with your health conditions.


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