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Re: Is therapy really what it is

@Mrsomebody wrote:

You know what classes me as not clicking with someone. Asking questions when I asked the question or wanted to do something I was removed straight away because I didn't want to follow their plan. A plan which had nothing to do with what I wanted.

Ah yes, the "Stop being difficult and just do what your told" treatment. I am all too familiar with that one, I'm afraid.


And being railroaded onto a plan that had nothing to do with my actual problems? That was a huge part of my (mis)treatment. Turned out I wasn't in therapy to get remedies for my problems; I was in there to get remedies for problems that she decided to identify in me. At least, that was my therapist's perspective. 😠


@Mrsomebody wrote:

thanks for your opinion it was a breath of fresh air

Your most welcome! 😊


Just so you know, perspectives like ours aren't as unique as you may think. I encounter them all the time online these days.


There are a lot of us out there. You and I are not alone. 🙂

Re: Is therapy really what it is

Thank you @chibam , @Mrsomebody , @Fhr. @tyme , @perspective ,  @Jynx , @fluffylight 

Very interesting  and very true , my husband has had enough again 

What do you do now he asks ?? 

Re: Is therapy really what it is

Hmm @Shaz51 if Mr Shaz is feeling pretty disillusioned with his current bunch of professionals, I suppose it depends on what he has the time/money/energy to do. Finding new therapeutic supports can be quite the process hey. One way to look is to use databases - e.g. APS Find a Psychologist or Psych Today Find a Counsellor. Benefit of those is being able to narrow your search to try to find someone who might specialise in what you're seeking support for, and maybe even contact them in advance to see if they might be a good fit. 


Another option is to look for support groups. They can be tricky to find, if web search doesn't turn anything up you can try contacting your local community centre. Black Dog Institute have groups, and if none suit you, you can contact them to see if they have info of other avenues you could search. They've also got oodles of info on their website you could poke about. Same goes for Bipolar Australia.


It's okay to need a break too. Take some time to just focus on doing stuff he enjoys, or connecting with friends and community. Those are so important. 

Re: Is therapy really what it is

Thanks @Jynx 

He is upset at the moment because we had a appointment on this Friday,  got a reminder to have our computer ready for Friday 

Found out having a tele health with someone from NSW and costing $$$

So Mr shaz is feeling had it at the moment that he has decided to stop his meds 

Re: Is therapy really what it is

Oh yikes @Shaz51 that sucks! I hate hidden fees and nonsense like that, it really makes it hard to feel a sense of trust in the person hey. 


Are you worried about him going off his meds? Has he done so before? 

Re: Is therapy really what it is

A little worried @Jynx , but he has done it before and after a few days he has gone back on them 

We have a doctors appointment on Monday and he wants me to cancel it but I am going to keep it incase 

Re: Is therapy really what it is

Hope it's not too hectic for you then hey @Shaz51. And yeah smart, he might just end up needing it. Good on you 💜

Re: Is therapy really what it is

@Shaz51. What we really need is some sort of service to tell us exactly which sort of therapist provides the sort of help we need. Someone who your husband can go to and say: "I need this... done," and the attendant will say correctly: "Oh, you want an XYZ therapist! They perform that sort of service!"


Most of us waste so much time blundering about with people who aren't even really there to give us the help we need; and it takes forever before someone explicitly spells it out for us that we're talking to the wrong service or type of therapist. And even then, your stuck unless the therapist your with decides to let you go.

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