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Re: Wobbly after Hospital

@HenryX you're a valued member of this forum, but it's more than that, you're a person of great morals and I think ethics. We're fortunate to have you amongst us.

Please accept this pie as a token of appreciation 🥧 (I've never cooked a pie btw, so we're probably lucky it's an online version 😉).

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Yes @Heneyx I agree, you contribute so much on the forums, not all responded to but read by many.. Keep shining, but keep some for yourself too 🌟🌟

Re: Wobbly after Hospital


Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Hi @Rosemary4 

I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with suicidal thoughts at the moment 🙁 It sounds like you are sitting with some very heavy feelings and questions right now. I'm going to send you a quick email to check in. Please continue to post on the forums and connect with the community if that will be helpful for you tonight 😊

Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Well, better day today.. Got a few things done.. rescued a baby bluetongue lizard stuck in a bucket, same size as a skink, cute.
Thanks for help last night :face_with_rolling_eyes:

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Re: Wobbly after Hospital

Morning @Rosemary4,

How are you going today? I'm sorry I wasn't on shift when you reached out, but I just wanted to say that it was brave of you to come to the forums and share that part of yourself when it sounds like you were feeling distressed – that's an amazing self-care skill and strength 💛

Rhye ☘️

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