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Re: The Community Garden :)

I have to walk away from all my plants & garden - Boohoo 😞

Re: The Community Garden :)

@CheerBear I’m bringing the conversation over here cos I’m ok and not struggling so much. 


Hi to all community gardners too. It’s a lovely time to share what’s going on in our gardens. 


I don’t know why but I have so much pink at the moment. 


This is my cyclamen from last year. It didn’t flower until a week ago. I had thought it wouldn’t this year as it was still so exhausted from all the flowers last year 😉. Behind it is my stock. It’s the only $2 plant I’ve bought this winter and I got it months ago. It’s is near my back doorstep and has had flowers on since I got it so I always get to smell it when I walk outside. I have never had one before. The scent is really beautiful. Just thought I’d share. 

This morning I saw that my Chinese pistachio has its first leaves on too which was rather exciting. I had bought it from the reduced section last year and didn’t know if it would do much but for now it looks ok. 

We have another strong northerly wind here today so everything is getting blown around and I’m going to have to actually step up watering again 😬. I like the watering part but not the $. 


Best wishes. Looking forward to any garden stories. 💜🤗



Re: The Community Garden :)

Hi @Teej and anyone else who might be thinking gardens at the moment. 


Your plants are beautiful Teej - thank you for sharing. I was wondering whether you might have stock. Love the colour of yours! Is it in a pot? How great is that scent 😊


This is what I am looking at in our garden at the moment 




A beautiful peach tree and our awesome lemon tree. They create the best dappled light and I love sitting under them especially at this time of the year 😊


We have a bit of pink happening too with the fruit trees and some flowers like this pink stock




And my azalea 




This morning I planted the first of our vegetable garden plants. Zucchini and cucumbers have gone in after they grew so much in the seed trays this week. I'm not sure how they'll go so I will put some more seeds in the trays in the greenhouse soon just in case, but we'll see. Hoping to spend lots of time in the garden this spring 🙂

Re: The Community Garden :)

I am so jealous of your lemon tree with all those lemons on already @CheerBear 😊

Im so glad that garden gives you some joy.  


🤔 think I might go looking for some zucchini later. I have beetroot, lettuce, spinach and eggplants growing now but zucchini’s are a staple in our house. My seeds are still sprouting and hanging in there. 


Lovely lovely blossom too. Is the bottom pic azaleas?


yes my stock is in a pot too......but not a stock pot 😜😆 (ok mum joke) 

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Re: The Community Garden :)

Re: The Community Garden :)

yes @marchhare, tara was full of character., sure was Heart

Re: The Community Garden :)

Hello @CheerBear, @Former-Member, @Teej, @Former-Member, @Dockers6, @BlueBay, @Zoe1, @Zoe7, @Faith-and-Hope, @Faith_Hope_Love, @Fee1, @Mazarita, @eth, @Owlunar, @outlander, @Former-Member, @Determined, @Maggie, @Former-Member, @Queenie , @Time, @Twinklelight, @Former-Member, @Sunshine888555, @Hope4me, @Adge, @Former-Member, @WideWhale320, @Wanderer, @eudemonism, @Ant7, @Bimby2, @Jacques, @Snowie, @Sans911, @soul, @oceangirl



chocolate flowers xxchocolate flowers xx








Re: The Community Garden :)

Lovely pictures @Shaz51



Re: The Community Garden :)

can and join me for a afternoon drink @Adge, what would you like xx

Re: The Community Garden :)

Out of all the flowers that exist, I'd have to say chocolate flowers would be my favourite @Shaz51 😊💗

I've had a really good dose of gardening today. I helped clean up a big yard and played with a whipper snipper and then mowed my own and planted a some seeds and seedlings in the vegetable garden. So lucky to have a lovely outside where we are. Looking forward to seeing them all grow hopefully 🙂
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