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Re: Anger management

Thanks all! you are right @kristin if it was you I would be backing you the whole way and telling you it was ok, and you are doing a great job because you care.

I don't hit them, (sometimes I bloody well want to) but however, I do yell abuse at them This is why I feel guilty because it is not good. My grandfather was a bastard and my dad was a bully, and then my big brother was a bully (learnt behaviour) and so now here I am a bully to my kids. The power of learnt behaviour and trying to break an intergenerational cycle!!

I know abusive partners are usually about control, so probably that is where some of my issues are coming from I feel SOO out of control.  I'll have to work on accepting that we are never really in control, it is all an illusion. all we can control is our response to a situation and with Bipolar I sometimes don't even think I have that to control either.

I'm pretty sure having thought about it as I type that I am angry because I am so tired. I just dont' have the energy to do the parenting and then am angry that I can't do it.

Thanks @CherryBomb and @Alessandra1992 I will give parentline a go.

My god it is good to feel understood!! thankyou so much.


Re: Anger management

Hi @Uggbootdiva 

I found this on Twitter just now. I think it is somehting we all need to remind ourselves of at times...

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.

Re: Anger management

Wow @Uggbootdiva 

Listen to you - it is great that you see the inter-generational stuff coming through. It can be a very powerful motivater to change - we know what it feels like to live with it & the aftermath. It has been a huge ongoing learning curve for me, but one I am very grateful for. That we have a big anchor (MI) tied to our psyche can really make it hard going to learn a new way of relating, but we can do it. Keep at it my friend.

You know a while back I think you said you had a good childhood? Being bullied is emotional abuse, and this can in many ways be the most insidious type of damage - even more so than physical or sexual abuse because it is not as overt  -so we tend to minimise it and the effects even more. So you have survived this, but have a horrible MI which is hard to live with, but in spite of that you are doing all you can to be very honest about your own parenting struggles, to get help and to change.

I know how hard it is to find some of the uglier aspects of our parent's behaviour in our own, and to feel like you are a terrible person and an abusive parent because you are doing it too! It is excruciating, I have been there many times. This is the internal harsh critic doing it's worst. It can take a lot to be more even-handed in this view, and question the real validity of it. Do I sometimes do things like my mum did? Yes. Do I feel a great deal of self-loathing over that? Yes. A more thorough and logical comparison usually shows me that I stray ocassionally into territory she lived in all her parenting years, with never a glimmer of her taking responsibility let alone remorse. It is the latter that is the big tell-tale difference. We battle the internal ground to be better parents so we don't keep on hurting our kids. This is the gift of love, being willing to suffer oneself to spare another. 

Intergenerational stuff is very powerful - that is why it is SO hard to break. I used to feel like I had several generations of bitter twisted spiteful old women (from my mum's family) all looking over my shoulder hissing and spitting venom ("you'll spoil that baby") because I dared to rock my babies and sing to them before putting them into bed. It was scary and confronting, but that was a lot easier to deal with than more insidious stuff. A choice to not use emotional abuse requires a huge self-reeducation on healthier ways to speak to oneself and one's children. That's a long-term project and can only be taken one step at a time.

Stuffing up is entirely human. Owning it and working on it is love in action. That is what you are doing. Keep journeying my friend - you are doing well.

Hope endure...

Kindest reagards,


PS As you know I have been struggling with my 6yo these hols too - mainly because I have been in a pretty bad place at times. Well this afternoon in the car we had one of those totally priceless moments when it is all worthwhile because they have their own beautiful sunshine. She had found a hospital sick-bag in the bathroom cupboard (her sister used to get terribly car-sick) and she decided she wanted to take it in the car down to Melbourne because "the city air is bad and makes me feel sick". So I let her. At Mt Evelyn (suburban outskirts) she tells us proudly that she's filled the bag with country air so she can breathe it when we get to the city!Woman LOL


Re: Anger management

Firstly,stop being so hard on yourself or comparing yourself to others.
Also remind yourself your kids would never be better without you,know matter how bad it seems now.
I'm curious whether you take the contraceptive pill or if you have had your hormone levels checked?
It might be worth seeing an intergrative G.P who is willing to order the tests (at a fee) because it's not just depression that can cause these symptoms of anger and being overwhelmed with life.
Hormones can too.In addition,Thyroid dysfunction can cause depression symptoms as can other disorders.

Re: Anger management

Dear Kristen, Uggbovitta, Allessandra1992, Ivana, Cherry Bomb, phew,

Kristen, when you wrote the 4th paragraph, I felt you put those words in my mouth when I reflect on my family mothers line. The Jewish line.

I can't have written it better.

Uggbovitta, What do you think of :

compulsively doing things.

It feels like you are about to compulsively do something but your breaking away from that old messed up pattern .
Not applicable



Community Elder

Re: Anger management

hi Suess,
My name is ja47yr,,
Like this post very much.
I like your sentence where you write, after stating your position in last paragraph....' It's not perfect, it's better.. You can feel better.

When I read your message, I was sad because it is sad. Then you wrote on your mindfulness that it helps you feel better
I felt.....surprised and happy on your bare feelings.
Like. Your owning them in your own space, a different country.

I personally have not moved from where I grew up. I found I was choosing to see councellors from a very young age. Then, many years later, fell very much in love with my darling childhood sweetheart and we would talk a lot on how we both reacted on seeing each other's hurts in at young age 13 years old on.

Well, after that breakup.....years of therapy, studies, seeing my friends either develop well/ disintegrate.... Here we are.

Please write more,

Re: Anger management

thanks @PeppiPatty

btw all I am going to bow out of the forums gor a while. I am just finding it a bit much. I am obsessing about this forum as I do sbout facebook and othet forums and when I do that I impose a self - enforced ban for a while.

I think about you all constantly. I will miss you but I need to do this.

I will be back
I feel bad that I wont be here if anything goes wrong for any of you like it did for @kristin tonight. and will miss @ricks powerfully insightful posts.but you all have each other and this is a great space.
c u soon.

Re: Anger management

Safe travels @uggbootdiva..we will miss you too but fully understand..thinking along similar lines as once homework kicks in from school...well kids need me to be present not distracted..

Re: Anger management

Dear Uggbotdiva,

Cool, you gotta do what you gotta do........

But will miss you,
I try and stop sometimes too but like it too much.....
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