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Re: Anger management

Hi All,

Just a friendly reminder that this week’s Topic Tuesday is all about anger! @kristin@Alessandra1992,@Former-Member, @Uggbootdiva@PeppiPatty@ivana maybe this would be a good space to share some of your thoughts and experiences of dealing with anger. @Former-Member will be unpacking anger to help us learn some strategies and gain some insights to manage this challenging emotion. We'll cover what causes anger, ways to prevent anger by identifying triggers, and discuss ways you can better manage it.  We encourage you to get involved!

All the best


Re: Anger management

dEar All,

I wont be able to be and hub. are going to visit former school friend in Bridgetown for a couple of days but Im so interested in what the topic is!

Can I bring in some pionters now??


1. I think in my furious anger came out in little bursts over a few years and leaked out of my body slowly......

Does this make sense to others?

@Alessandra1992 and @kristin, if your your around, I was called something else but isnt relevant anymore so changed my name......I was Just another47yr before.

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