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Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hi @Former-Member How have you been?

Thanks for thinking of me.


Where is the Silver Lining (in all this)? – I’m searching for it….

Last night’s sleep was severely disrupted (the 5th night in a row) – due to having to correspond via email with this Resume writer, in the middle of the night - which is their Business Hours (NY, it seems).


The Dr’s appointment this morning took 1 & ½ hours, having to get Pathology tests as well.

I was in no state to drive to my fortnightly Social lunch (after that), even thought that’s a rare social outlet/ interaction (not on for another 2 weeks).

I had to crash & rest instead (& miss it).


My LinkedIn Profile took me almost 3 hours to do myself, this afternoon.

The Resume writer provided a Template of information (for me to use to do it myself).

They would not edit or prefill my LinkedIn Profile (as expected) for me – which is what I paid them the extra $130 for, & expected them to do.


I am Website/ Techno-Challenged.

So navigating myself around Online menus & unfamiliar layouts (to fill in information) - was majorly challenging, which is why it took 3 hours of solid effort & determination (to do it).


Oh the Bahamas, here I come....

I've never afforded to travel overseas (by the way).

No telephones, no noisy neighbours allowed....


Smiley TongueSmiley Very HappyAdge

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Sounds like you sure could use a holiday away @Adge I can relate to IT challenges. So much of modern life depends on it now. Stupid. I recently got criticised by dad's public guardian for not skyping him. I've never Skyped in my life. I do ring him often - as I have done all my life. And how does she know? What's with this constant backstabbing? Probably siblings thinking there's some competition at play. Triggers me bgvtimevsll thrm.
Do you have to apply for x10 jobs a fortnight? even in a pandemic? Maybe don't push working while this wound is healing. "Forced Relaxation" that's your silver lining :face_with_rolling_eyes: . . . or not. What did DR do pathology for? Wound swab? Infection? Blood test? Hope you're ok. How's he birds?

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hi @Former-Member The Pathology Blood tests are to check on possible infection (generally).

Because my Diverticulosis/ Diverticular disease is causing me gut pain (inflammation).

Also frequent, irregular bowels - because of having large part of Colon removed, during 1st & 2nd emergency bowel surgeries.

Even tiny scratches on my arm, from pruning shrubs & doing my aviaries - are getting inflamed (red rashes etc) with minutes of getting scratched.

So that's another issue - allergy or infection from scratch? We don't know.

Fortunately it's only 5 job applications.

Yet seems pointless, with high unemployment rate - when so hard to get an interview or job for any job at all (no matter what).

So much extra competition, in job market.

Yes backstabbing is horrible, pointless & not understandable - especially from relatives (or from my Mum).

Forced relaxation to recover, is absolutely necessary.

Whenever I push myself, even for a few hours - my body says Noooo, & I crash big-time (have to stop).

Takes longer to recover then.

Slowly building up my physical stamina, yet still rather bodily weak.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

My Birds seem good & Happy @Former-Member Thanks.

Especially when I give my Canaries Nasturtium leaves (they love that) - then they all pounce on it, gobble gobble (straight away).

My backyard is covered in Nasturiums at the moment, so there is plenty (bucket loads) for them to munch.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Yum, Nasturiums, that's a peppery leaf ground cover you can put in salads 😋🌱

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Yes Yum Naturtiums @Former-Member Definitely a Peppery Leaf Ground Cover - that is very good for Salads (totally edible), quite tasty actually.

Certainly my Canaries love eating Nasturtium (possibly their favourite).

I had a Dentist appointment this afternoon - lucky I did too, as I had 2 tooth decays, got 2 fillings.

I had to chase up for that appointment - due to C Virus effects, Dentists shut-down for about 3 months, then they forgot to do any Reminders for follow-up appointments.

The same with my Sleep Dr (Sleep Clinic).

They would not give me any Booking, when I phoned them in June - my 12 monthly appointment was due in August.

They put me on a Waitlist (supposedly), then never phoned me to offer any appointment.

Now I find, when I phoned a few days ago - that they have been taking bookings all this time (having told me that they would not).

They are now fully booked until almost the end of this year.

I have a CT Scan for my abdominal pain, tomorrow morning - painful when GP Dr prodded my tummy.

I don't have much faith in these Scans.

So many times they have failed to show any cause of the issue - whilst the issue (cause) is still there.

Anyway, we shall see.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Oh dear @Adge, your tummy still playing up? Can't they do an MRI this time? Might cost more but worth it this time i think.
Stupid dentist protocol failure... I have no tolerance for incompetence either. Glad you got in somehow - 2 fillings. I have a decay hole that just opened up this week. Had it fixed only last year :face_with_rolling_eyes: such an expensive exercise

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

@Adge, how are you ? How was the results of your scans?

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

And blood tests?

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

@Adge, you ok?