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Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

@Zoe7  Just tagging you in here.  Thank you .........


Please take care Peri.


Sherry Heart


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thanks @Former-Member and Hi @Peri - will read over the thread and catch up with where you are at.

Take care sweet @Former-Member and we are here for you when you need Smiley Very Happy

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi there @Peri with a wave to @Zoe7 and others who may be reading.

I really feel for you with regards to where you now find yourself.  My heart breaks for you.  Does your eldest son and his family live permanently in the UK or is it on a work placement?  How old are your grandchildren?  Do they make it back to Australia on a regular basis?


I do agree with you about work being a good interaction with people, as well as being a very good distraction from other personal issues.  In some regards, my work was my little break away from life.  But its now almost 12 months since I had to quit work for personal MH reasons.  Then of course my husband got so unwell with several hospitalisations, it meant I would not have been able to work anyway. And I think now, there is no chance of getting back to work.  At least I am back into the volunteering one half day a week.  


I am wondering if some form of volunteer work may be an option for you.  There are many options for people who would like to contribute in some way.  Perhaps your local area have a volunteer coordination and placement provider that you could enquire at.  It does sound as though you need to get out of the house a bit more than you do.  Your younger son sounds like hard work.  Its hard to feel we are depended upon more than we should be.  


Since your more recent diagnosis of PTSD, I am wondering if you have now been referred to either a psychiatrist or a psychologist for some form of therapy to help you manage the worst of the symptoms you are experiencing.  Certainly making ourselves isolated is very much a common trait with PTSD.  And as you would know, PTSD is primarily an anxiety disorder, but its also very common for people experiencing it to have regular or constant bouts of depression with it too.


I found when I first had to give up work that I felt I had no reason to get up in the mornings.  My days lacked structure and I felt all at sea.  I had worked for so much of my life.  I was working while still at school on weekends. Left school at 17 after completing the HSC and got a full time job. And then worked either full time or part time until last year.  So suddenly not having work after having done it for over 40 years takes some getting used to.  It is a pretty major upheaval in our life.  It equates to moving house.  Which you have also done this year.


I think Christmas always brings home to us the fact that lost loved ones are no longer with us.  Its a time for reflection and introspection in that regard.  We never stop missing those dearly beloved ones who are no longer with us.  But I am confident that you still have a lot to contribute to society, be that family friends or others in need. Have confidence that this is a temporary setback.  The rest of your life will look more positive once things settle down and you are able to seek some professional support to help you through and deal with your PTSD.  Keep in mind that this is still a relatively new diagnosis for you, perhaps you are still adapting to the 'label'.


I am thinking of you right now Peri, and hoping you are doing a little better than you were.  I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  Are you doing anything for Christmas, or will it be just you and your son?  Have you had to battle the vast hordes of shoppers at the shops today?  Unfortunately I had to this morning.


Wishing you the best Peri.

Sherry 🌸💜🤗💕

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Peri and @Former-Member Thinking of you both tonight Heart



Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Dear @Peri

Good morning to you and a very Merry Christmas.  I really hope today is kind to you and that you and your son have a nice day without incident.  Is it just you and your son for the day, or are you spending time with others today? I hope the latter.

Regardless Peri I will be thinking of you and hoping things are starting to improve for you. May your Christmas be gentle, caring and calm. Perhaps your son and family in the UK will be getting a white christmas?


Kindest thoughts my friend.

Sherry Heart


Image result for Merry Christmas

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Dear @Peri

You've been very quiet so I thought I'd drop by quickly and let you know I am thinking of you right now.

I really hope you got through Christmas okay and that things are starting to look up a bit for you.

I miss you guys. Woman Sad

Perhaps your 2 dogs have been keeping you company and doing what they are so good at - comforting and loving presence. I tagged you onto a pet thread here, but havent seen you in there yet. 

Is the weather hot where you are?  Its heating up here and going to be hot for the weekend. At least the past couple of days have been quite pleasant, not too hot for Christmas day.

I'm not doing much today, got the air conditioning on and watching some of the Cricket from the MCG. Lazy day.

Talk soon I hope.  Happy to talk any time if you feel the need.  I tend to be awake at all hours, which I think you often are too. Though if I recall correctly, you're in WA?  My husbands family are all over in WA, in and around Perth.

Sherry 🌺

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Peri and a wave to others here.


I am just dropping by to say hello and to say that I hope you have a nice new years eve, whatever it is you decide to do. I will be at home, and will probably be in bed (and hopefully asleep) before the new year comes in.  How about you?  Although I noticed this morning that @Zoe7 has opened up a new years eve beach party.  PJs are the costume of choice.  I'm not sure if Zoe tagged you onto this new thread or not, but I have put her on this message, so I hope she will oblige with a tag to you.  Not a problem if you'd rather not join in, but thought you may be interested to have some company for the evening.  You would be very welcome and it might be a bit of fun.  Who can resist a beach party with our on-line friends?


Peri, I hope that 2019 brings you much greater happiness and contentment than what 2018 delivered for you.  We have to keep our hopes and expectations alive, that better days are ahead.  I maintain hope of that, and I have confidence that you will too and that your current difficulties will resolve.


There is no need to respond if you dont wish to.  I understand.  But please know that I am thinking of you, I miss you (and others) and want only the best for you.


Sherry   🌸🤗💕


Image result for happy new year 2019

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hey @Former-Member I did tag @Peri in the NYE thread and would love for both of you to join us tonight. Jammies on the virtual beach with whatever we like to eat and drink with our forum friends sounds like a great way to bring in the New Year.

Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Thanks for the invitation I might just join in.  It is a lovely idea. I don’t go to the beach much anymore.  It would be love.y to be there with you all. Everyone hoping the new year will bring something better for each 


Re: Trying to be happy, isn’t working

Hi @Peri


You are very welcomed to join us.

Image result for panda bear party