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Re: why can't I cope longer?

There's nothing anyone can @Former-Member Thanks for caring. Should I still post on the forums with this stuff? Don't want to cause hqssels. I'll go check emails, but need to go pee first, take a headache pill...
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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hi @Former-Member ,


I'm sorry there is not much anyone can do to help you right now - that is a disheartening place to be in! Smiley Sad


Of course, you are 100% welcome to post on the forums about this stuff to get the support you need! My only word of caution would be to avoid articulating graphic details around suicide (e.g., a suicide attempt; or a method of suicide), as specified in the Community Guidelines. I hope this makes sense!


If you have any concerns, please feel free to email us at


Please try your best to take care of yourself.


Kindest Regards,


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Re: why can't I cope longer?

That's cool @outlander, I'll have the pink one.

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Of course @Former-Member 🤗

Re: why can't I cope longer?


Glad you are still posting.


The forums have helped me around managing Suicidal Ideation. I have managed to mostly keep within guidelines, or alter posts if I forget.  Sometimes things just burst out of us.


You are settling in a new town.  There is so much going on for you. Glad you are getting furniture organised. Sorry Salvos were not super helpful.


It is good your better understood here than LIfeline. I wish they would not tout Lifeline as an answer, but its the system

Take Care Bella


I have to go with son for hazard perception test.




Re: why can't I cope longer?

Sending love @Former-Member Heart

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Re: why can't I cope longer?

Looking back over a few days here it doesn't seem real that I got that down again, but such amazing support from all of you, thank you, I'm glad I was around for my first visitor since moving here (10wks)... and even received my first personal mail. Took away the pangs of loneliness a while. Seems God knew I'd need it this week. Teary while typing... who know why we cry really... happy, sad, relieved...  Guess it's a healing any which way. 

Hope you're all ok, gets quiet here on weekends too. 

Got some lovely bird photos this week. Put couple up on Everything Birds thread. 


Re: why can't I cope longer?

So wonderful to hear things have picked up a little for you @Former-Member and that you were 'around' for your first visitor. So many positives in your post and that makes me smile. Heart

Re: why can't I cope longer?

@Former-Member  It’s good to hear there are some good things happening for you right now. Yea, a funny thing about tears, happy, sad ones, life’s strange.

I will go and look at your bird pics.

Hope today has some more happy moments for you.

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Great to hear you're feeling better @Former-Member, and that visitor must've been lovely. Going to go find the bird photos too Heart 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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