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Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Oh Wow @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51

I had never (ever) seen that Emoji Box (on Computer) before.

In fact, I did not know that it existed.

Shaz51 only forgot how to do emojis (on computer) - I never knew how to do it, in the first place.


Now I can do more than just the occasional Smiley-Face - that was all I could find before.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

🎉😊 @Adge .....

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

M🌞rning @Adge @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope Lovely to wake up to you three chatting. I use my phone here mostly, didn't know that about the emoji window key on computer either, thanks F&H💜
@Adge - it's good that you're wound is healing finally and you can exhale. Totally understand you expecting the worst when life has proved to you it can happen.
Its so hard coming to terms with personal limitations (re your house) and feeling unemployable and unloved. But hey, now's not the time to let our mind go down that road. No big decisions for you 'till things settle down. Anxiety and burn up more energy than getting in and doing it... I wish we could all live on a commune and help each other out through rough patches... Guess you might have to scale back some day but hold off for a bit if you can. I get paid help a lot.
Oh, on that note, had some serious plumbing issues here - landlord sent the plumber yesterday, who actually seemed to fix all x4 issues really well, plus he was chatty. Good thing getting the plumber in this time is IT DIDNT COST ME A CENT because I pay rent. 😃👍 Such a relief. Sometimes it's better to pay rent, especially with a good landlord.
When the time comes for you to downsize, I really hope you can take some bangalese finches with you. I'm thinking of getting a cage again, even if just for little finches. Love the sounds they make - relaxes me. Furbaby is lovely tactile but she's so quiet. Not like birds.
That reminds me of a quote
"Birds sing after a storm, why don't we" 🐥🎶🔉
One days at a time Adge, thats all we can do 💗

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses


@Shaz51 @Former-Member @Adge @outlander 

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hi @Former-Member I shall test the Emoji Windows key (on you)😍😁😜

Glad you did not have to pay $ for a Plumber, to fix plumbing issues.

I am the Landlord here - I cannot often afford to call a Plumber in (very expensive).

So I put off fixing it, or temporarily unblock the blocked drains myself etc.

Well if the Storm has passed, then maybe I should Sing (like a Bird) - not sure that the Storm has actually passed yet, so I will hold off singing (until a bit later).

Yep you are Right - thinking I'm Unlovable & Unemployable is a Bad idea (although we cannot control our thoughts).

It's very Bad for my Self-Esteem (lowers & impacts it).

I just payed an exhorbitan (very high) fee, to have my Resume Professionally Re-Done.

Yes it needed doing, & doing it oneself is not effective (unless you're a professional Resume-Writer) -Yet I need to tighten my Budget (a lot), & I don't see how it could be worth that much ($400).

Have a good night.

I'm waiting with Baited Breath, to see your picture @Faith-and-Hope It's not up yet.


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Excellent @Faith-and-Hope Emoji Pillows (or Cushions) - I Like them....


Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Ooo! Ooo! Real life emojis @Faith-and-Hope 😃👍 hey, glad YOU get to post pictures here 🤨lol. Hope you're doing ok? Going through divorce is the pits. My custody battle dragged on for 5yrs... all the lies and nasty things he wrote about me was heartbreaking... and all so exhausting (the long term stess)... don't think one ever recovers, we just learn to manage it, somehow. Such a betrayal I guess.
@Adge, hope your $400 resume makes a difference, and proves to be a good investment. Well done with that. I'm sure you'd be happier ANYwhere else away from the last mob. Maybe send unsolicited emails to all your local disability providers for starters. Get a foot in the door with casual maybe and doors will open.
Estranged family and cPTSD already leave us with a low baseline self esteem. That's why any stressors tend to bowl us over. Sucks! But you're doing so well Adge, just doesn't feel like it. I'm feeling half dead already, no purpose, not able to get much done most days, unmotivated+++ walking in circles a lot... forgetting what I got up for... what I walked into a room for.. but i'm learning - its ok to have days like this and not to panic about it or beat yaself up. . what does it matter anyway... if the dishes sit there for a days, or the dog doesn't take a walk? etc. God doesn't live us any less.
Let me introduce you to @Zed1 >> Adge >> Zed1 He understands cPTSD.
Oh dear, Starting to nod off,
Stay strong precious bird friend 🐦🐦🐦

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Emoji Pillows (or Cushions) - I Like them. tooo @Faith-and-Hope Heart

@Adge, @Former-Member Heart

Re: Self-Care with major Physical illnesses

Hi @Adge, how's your week going?
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